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Why I write?

11 Jan

I write because I have opinions.

And like every human being, who secretly believes that he is abnormal, I believe I am right.

Though in my ‘Flashback’ moments, I realise that I may have veered off the tracks every now and then.

So I write, just so that I can look back at my predictions, deductions and inferences and feel sorry about how wrong I was.

But mostly I will blame it on someone or something else.

I write because I love connecting things.

I don’t think linear and I definitely am not a purist-only-out-of-the-box thinker.

I don’t relate to either extremes. Maths and Arts have never been my favorite subjects in school.

I am more of a pyramidal thinker. The kind who needs a disparate large base/type of knowledge and info to figure out a point.

It’s a messy & laborious process. And writing it down helps me figure it out.

I write because I love to read.

Like those who love to read (and not read lots, which is a very very different thing), I feel that there just might be that miniscule chance of someone benefiting from what I have to say, about everything that I have read.

I feel people who love to read, have the opportunity to create much more than the sum of words they have been exposed to.

There is also a good dose of narcissism involved.

For what we contribute to what we have read and now write about, is a little bit of ourselves.

Finally I write because I am extremely excited about StartupsĀ 

Though a relative newbie, I have been in this space for about 3 years now.

As someone who has worked with various Small businesses, Startup Advisors, Investors, Venture Capital, Social Media Dudes, Incubators, Entrepreneurship Professors, Consultants, Business Plan Competitions, E-Cells, Failed Entrepreneurs, Successful Entrepreneurs and Crazy-In-The-Head paradigm threatening types, I must confess that I think about Startups all the time.

Many of the insights that I get from this charged up space, are really not reported or are under-reported by the media.

And that really troubles me.